Medicines for the treatment of prostatitis in men

male genitourinary system

Inflammatory processes occurring in the prostate bring a lot of discomfort to men suffering from this pathology. The development of the disease occurs against the background of prolonged sexual abstinence, the presence of sexually transmitted and genitourinary infections, weak immunity, as well as various hormonal imbalances in the body. In addition, prostatitis can be caused by pathogenic bacteria or viruses.

What is prostatitis and how to treat it?

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a lot of highly effective drugs for the treatment of this pathology. When no infectious pathogens are found during the diagnosis of prostatitis, they speak of chronic inflammation of the prostate of a non-bacterial nature. Risk factors for non-infectious prostatitis are congestion in the pelvic area, which is characterized by impaired microcirculation in the venous system, excess secretion of the prostate gland and in the seminal vesicles, which causes disturbances in blood flow in the genitals. However, before starting therapy, you should always consult with a qualified specialist.

Characteristics of the inflammatory process of the prostate (prostatitis)

This disease affects 1/3 of all representatives of the stronger half of humanity. The pathology affects mainly men from 20 to 60 years old. The disease can develop in the presence of the following factors:

diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis
  • Congenital (decrease in hormonal levels, impaired blood flow in the prostate gland, pathological changes in the structure of the acini);
  • acquired (previous genitourinary diseases, the presence of foci of infection in the body, promiscuity or, conversely, long-term abstinence from sexual relations, a sedentary lifestyle, a temporary decrease in body temperature).

Types of pathology and drugs for treatment

Inflammation of the prostate gland can manifest itself in the following forms:

Acute prostatitis of an infectious (bacterial) nature. It is characterized by the presence of specific symptoms and requires immediate contact with a specialist. Acute prostatitis develops as a result of exposure to pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. According to statistics, this form of the disease occurs in 15% of men suffering from this pathology.

Acute prostatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • increased body temperature;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • frequent urination, accompanied by pain and purulent discharge from the urethra;
  • pain in the groove area, radiating to the lumbar spine.

Chronic prostatitis of infectious nature. It is a sluggish inflammatory process characterized by the absence of pronounced symptoms. This form of the disease can occur against the background of insufficiently treated or untreated acute prostatitis. Symptoms of prolonged inflammation of the prostate gland may be as follows:

  • Irritability;
  • difficulty urinating, accompanied by a burning sensation;
  • nagging pain in the perineum, radiating to the pelvic organs and rectum.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis requires much more time than acute prostatitis, and the choice of medications is determined by the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of complications, as well as the type of drugs used previously.

signs of chronic prostatitis

In addition to antibiotics, which are used to treat acute prostatitis, analgesics, immunomodulators, suppositories, therapeutic massage and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Prostatitis without infectious etiology. It is the most common type of disease, the origin of which has not yet been fully studied.

Asymptomatic prostatitis

Forms of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis

Medicines for the treatment of prostatitis are available in the form of tablets, injections, instillations, suppositories and microenemas. Tablets, which are usually antibiotics, have a wide spectrum of action and are usually prescribed in situations where the causative agent of the pathology has not yet been identified.

Often, in the treatment of prostatitis, special suppositories are used, which are administered rectally. Such drugs have an antibacterial effect and effectively relieve pain. Injection solutions that have a stimulating effect on the vascular and protective systems of the body have the greatest therapeutic effect.

Among the various methods of treating the prostate, the rectal method of therapy is the most effective.

symptoms and causes of prostate adenoma

Treatment of prostatitis often involves a method such as instillation, in which a drug is injected directly into the patient's urethra. Before the procedure, the man should completely empty his bladder. No more than 5 ml of medicinal solution is administered at a time.

Additional means to the main treatment can be microenemas, which are prepared based on herbal infusions and decoctions. The principle of this technique is to use a complex drug-temperature effect on the foci of inflammation. The procedure is carried out before going to bed, since after a microenema overstrain or hypothermia of the prostate gland is not allowed.

Medications for the treatment of prostatitis in men

First of all, antibiotics are prescribed for this disease. But before starting antibacterial therapy, a bacterial culture study is carried out to determine the causative agent of the disease and, depending on the results obtained, one or another type of drug is determined. The antibacterial course of therapy lasts an average of 1 month.

Treatment with tableted antibiotics is carried out for bacterial inflammation of the prostate in acute and chronic forms. In case of complications, antibacterial agents are administered by injection. If the causative agent of the pathology cannot be identified, combined antibacterial therapy is used.

Medicines that have an analgesic effect significantly ease the course of the inflammatory process, however, they should be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Uncontrolled use of such drugs can cause unwanted side effects.

what does prostate adenoma look like

Among analgesics, the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of prostatitis has been shown by a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with an extensive release form and a wide range of indications. The use of a-blockers is due to the relaxing effect of these drugs on the neck and muscles of the bladder, which significantly reduces the intensity of pain accompanying the process of urination. But such drugs can cause side effects such as headaches and hypotension. These medications are prescribed for chronic non-bacterial prostatitis.

Any pathology, including prostatitis, causes a weakening of the body’s immune defense, therefore, along with the main treatment, the doctor prescribes medications whose action is aimed at restoring and strengthening the immune system. These may be drugs from the group of immunomodulators, which includes interferons and other pharmacological agents.

In the treatment of prostatitis, muscle relaxants are also widely used, the action of which is aimed at reducing muscle tone in the perineum, which allows the patient to get rid of pain and discomfort when urinating. The most effective muscle relaxants are considered to be a centrally acting muscle relaxant and a remedy for pain and smooth muscle spasms.

The use of hormonal therapy is determined by the need to reduce testosterone levels, which provoke an increase in the size of the prostate gland. As a result of such treatment, hormonal levels are normalized and the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases. In some cases, herbal remedies are used as additional therapy to eliminate pain, inflammation and swelling.

Preparations containing herbal components are often used in the treatment of chronic forms of prostatitis. Prostatitis of bacterial origin is treated by taking antiviral drugs: drugs used for the same indications, but they differ in the mechanism of action and active substance.

appointment with a specialist

As a supplement, anti-inflammatory drugs from the group of non-steroids are used. The effect of such drugs is to eliminate the symptoms accompanying inflammation of the prostate (swelling and soreness, increased body temperature).

Suppositories containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, have shown high effectiveness in the treatment of prostatitis. This group also includes drugs that have powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects.

In addition, therapy for prostate inflammation involves the use of medications whose action is aimed at improving blood flow to the prostate.

Popular medications for the treatment of prostatitis

A drug that helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women - a medicine based on herbal components that prevents the growth of glandular tissue of the prostate. It helps eliminate inflammation and normalize metabolic processes, as well as improve blood supply to the prostate gland. In addition, the medicine reduces the size of the prostate, eliminates difficulty urinating and improves the functioning of the genitourinary system, restores glandular functions, and also reduces swelling and inflammatory manifestations in the prostate gland.

The drug is prescribed for complex therapy of complicated prostatitis. The course of treatment is up to 4 months. The drug has no contraindications or side effects.

A bactericidal antibiotic from the group of semisynthetic penicillins, resistant to penicillinase, is a highly effective antibiotic used to treat prostatitis. The drug is a semi-synthetic antimicrobial drug belonging to the class of β-lactam antibiotics, which has bactericidal effects against streptococci, staphylococci and other gram-positive microorganisms.

A drug intended for the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system in men is an antibiotic-based suppository drug with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The use of rectal suppositories improves the quality of sperm, helps restore the muscular functions of the bladder, normalizes the urination process, and also reduces the risk of blood clots in the vessels of the prostate gland. Rectal suppositories are prescribed after prostate surgery or in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. The course of treatment lasts 10 days, with the administration of one suppository per day. Read the instructions carefully: the drug intended for the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system in men may cause a side effect, which is manifested by itching in the anus.

The drug, which contains a natural ingredient - extract of the fruits of the creeping palm tree - is available in capsules and belongs to the decongestant and anti-inflammatory medications. The drug has shown fairly high effectiveness in the complex treatment of prostate inflammation, which is why it is often prescribed to patients suffering from this pathology.

Popular antibiotics for the treatment of prostatitis

Despite the fact that drugs for the treatment of prostatitis have virtually no contraindications, you should not use them yourself. Dosage, selection of medication and correction of the course of therapy are carried out only by a specialist, taking into account the intensity and duration of the inflammatory process.